Wow, Chelsea – you're just another Clinton liar and fantasist


[photo: Philgarlic]

Pushed further and further into the spotlight as her mother’s campaign has fallen behind to the relentless and now unstoppable Barack Obama, Chelsea Clinton is acquitting herself rather poorly as a public personality.

Clearly the young Clinton’s speaking voice has much more of her mother’s shrill, graceless yammer than her father’s smooth hillbilly drawl.  But there are deeper problems with her recent appearances than just an annoying tone.  What has really catapulted Chelsea’s attempted rallies into the media spotlight is her petulant sense of entitlement and insistence on campaigning within her own warped sense of context.

Consider her response when asked at Butler University about whether the Monica Lewinsky scandal had damaged Hillary Clinton’s reputation:

‘"Wow, you’re the first person actually that’s ever asked me that question in the, I don’t know maybe, 70 college campuses I’ve now been to, and I do not think that is any of your business."’

What Chelsea must be forgetting is that her father lied to the American people about the issue–that press conference was his chance to use the "none of your business" line, but Bill Clinton let that particular horse out of the barn by addressing the issue with an angry misleading insistence–and that many Americans suspect that the preservation of the Clintons’ marriage was a calculated, Faustian bargain made in the interests of greater money and power for the both of them.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign has already planted questioners at campaign events in Iowa, but the recent revelations about her lies about her 1996 Bosnia trip are an even clearer exposition of her fundamental dishonesty and emphasis on political expediency over the unambiguous truth–and there’s Chelsea Clinton, backing up the falsehoods from her own supposed recollection:

"I support what she said."

Until recently the Clinton campaign has been able to shelter their fledgling apprentice liar:

‘She has largely operated under the radar, speaking frequently to the kind of young audiences that often favour Mrs Clinton’s rival Barack Obama but never granting interviews and being protected by campaign aides who swoop on any reporter who has the temerity to attempt to ask a question.

Events are usually arranged at short notice and only publicised locally. In some cases it is specified that only students are allowed to attend.’

They can try to ensure that her gaffes are aired in front of limited audiences, but Chelsea Clinton has clearly made herself a public figure and the idea that she has some protected status that places her "business" beyond scrutiny is nothing more than moronic fantasy, no doubt nurtured by her arrogant parents and her fear of facing the truth about them.

Advertiser-driven stupidity at CNET

Microsoft and companies whose products run its software are important ad buyers at CNET. It is hard not to think about that when I see a headline on one of CNET’s blogs that reads:

“Get over it already. Microsoft is not the Anti-Christ.”

Well, first of all, I don’t know who’s saying that. But informed people are saying that Microsoft is a convicted monopolist with a long history of anti-competitive practices, livid hostility to open source software, an embarrassingly lame portable media player, and a disastrously bad new operating system whose horror stories have deterred me (a Microsoft DOS/Windows user since the 1980s) from wanting to buy another Windows machine when I upgrade.

But why focus on that? Why not attack a straw man who proclaims Microsoft to be an apocalyptic danger to the world, or whatever?

Taking some Microsoft lawyer at his word, the author wants us to believe that Microsoft has thoroughly changed its spots. Maybe he’s just stupid–but again, it’s probably just the advertising money talking.

Perhaps realizing that he has gone a bit too far to have any credibility on the matter, toward the end of the CNET post the author, Charles Cooper, offers this assertion:

“I’m not going to alibi for Microsoft.”

Fair enough, but only because “alibi” is not used as a verb by most educated people. That aside, Cooper is certainly shilling for Microsoft.

Sparty the wild bird

Sparty by Jessica, March 2008

Jessica took this excellent picture of our budgerigar Sparty. The third bird to join our flock, he is a wild, flappy parakeet who has some powerful wings (even clipped as they are)–and he’s not shy about using them. I’m working on getting to know him, but for now our other birds Striker, and Belle to a lesser extent, are a lot calmer when I come to visit. I can’t help but wonder if he is even having an influence on the other two–it seems like the three of them are sort of developing a pack mentality. But we’re busy a lot of the time, so I’m glad that they have each other to play with all day!

Birds in the house

Striker and Belle the parakeets

Striker and Belle have their own personalities, for sure. Striker (green) is bold and confident, but with a mild temperament that makes him very cool–I just saw him grooming Belle between nips at their cuttlebone. Belle is a very sweet bird, with a quiet personality that responds much more to Jessica’s soft, loving voice and touch than to my chatter.

The long-predicted housing disaster unfolds

This article in the Telegraph about the credit crunch that began last year (and has begun to engulf major investment banks and the U.S. Treasury) makes a note of the loss of confidence in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. For those of us who have been following this housing market bubble with the kind of acid skepticism that it deserves, finding out that we were right in believing that housing couldn’t out-pace income indefinitely can only bring so much clarity about what’s next for the markets–none of it, probably, any good.

With that in mind, here is what I wrote about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac [.doc file] in a grad school paper in 2004. I had to frame the issue in the terms of the business ethics course I was writing it for, but for what it’s worth I was quite in a hurry then to pour cold water on these badly designed market inflation machines.

Like most scams, this housing credit disaster has unwound only when the market dipped. It should have been a sign that the end of the bubble was near when a Bear Stearns hedge fund collapsed in June 2007–clearly foreshadowing the near-collapse and pending sellout to JP Morgan Chase for considerably less than the firm’s recent market capitalization that has developed this month. What is Bear Sterns at this point, anyway, but an enormous ill-managed hedge fund itself?

The fact that the Federal Reserve is involved in trying to help bail out Stearns is another embarrassment to and encroachment upon America’s supposedly free markets. Why are those companies not on Wall Street expected to bear the brunt of their mistakes while those on Wall Street and in Greenwich, who have created a risk-management disaster, are to be bailed out? Maybe if there had been some semblance of regulation on hedge funds and other areas of the finanical sector, none of this would have happened–but that wasn’t encouraged in any substantive way by partisan hack charlatan Alan Greenspan, or his already low-rated successor.

When you hear people say, ‘this might be a good time to buy a house, now that the market is down,’ I’d let them know that there’s no hurry. The credit crunch that began in 2007 is likely to continue for a while.

Lights out in Lakewood

Last night the ice storm struck as Jessica and I were convoying down to Cleveland Hopkins to return a rental car. A sudden outage of lights in the distance made me wonder if power would be out at our place in Lakewood. But when we got home our lights were on. Today I drove Jessica to work and stopped at McDonalds on the way back– and managed to get the car stuck on an ice sheet (which had been covered by a layer of fresh now) until a few guys helped push it out. After getting the car a few feet up the semi-plowed driveway at our place, I went inside in the hopes of riding out the storm for a while–but then the power went out in the neighborhood (including stoplights) this afternoon.Fortunately the power is on a mile down the street so I went and got some gas and now I’m at Caribou Coffee sitting by the fireplace sipping dark roast.

Good news: a warmonger fascist hates Obama

In a book review, Pankaj Mishra recounts the hubris and idiocy of Woodrow Wilson and his quest to make the world “safe for democracy.” In this telling, we are informed that writers for the New Republic magazine were among his most prominent and important backers. Moving ahead to the 21st century, we are reminded in the review that the same magazine backed the fascist aggression against Iraq led by George W. Bush.

Writing for the New Republic today, and carrying on a moronic tradition, is Mr. Leon Wieseltier, the magazine’s literary editor and spinner of clever phrases.

It’s bad enough that not long ago Wieseltier was mentioned in this [sock-puppeted] boast from discredited blogger and proven liar Lee Siegel: “They hate him because they want to write like him but can’t. Maybe if they’d let themselves go and write truthfully, they’d get Leon Wieseltier to notice them too.”

Employing that scumbag was bad enough, and brings up real questions about his judgement. But Wieseltier’s recent rants about Barack Obama should bring even greater pause. Mr. Obama, we are told, is simply too young mentally, too naive, a child selling “euphoria.”

Apparently since he doesn’t favor war-mongering in his speeches, and phrases that Wieseltier enjoys like “Islamistan,” Obama does not possess, in Wieseltier’s own words, “the hardness I seek.” (What man does? He won’t say.)

But I will close by simply quoting what amounts to the key point of the article, which brings up the question in my mind of whether war-mongering is a side dish here and the main plate, just as in Wilson’s day, is racism:

“There is almost no more commonplace trait of human existence (and of African American existence) than false hopes.”

This is vile language, nothing more than a call for a return to the divisions of the past and a plea for fear of the future.

[Barack Obama for President 2008!! To find why I support Barack Obama, check out podcasts 16, 18 and 19, and this article on]

Fishasaurus the betta fish

Tribute to Fishasaurus, February 2007


Dan-and-Fishasaurus_2-26-2007_CIMG4079Fishasaurus, aka Daniel J. McKeown, jr., aka my cool purple beta fish, died yesterday after a brief apparent illness. Jessica and I tried very hard to take care of him, and I was glad to be with him in his final moments. I wanted pay great tribute to his wonderful animal spirit, and with that in mind he was buried in the Presidio of San Francisco in a private service.
Fishasaurus was a great pet and I was always humbled and entertained by his big personality–when the minor earthquake of a few days ago hit, I was here and his calm determined look reassured me after the tremors. But usually he was bouncing around slowly like that or whipping his tail to propel him up top for food or around the tank in some sort of circular pursuit. Probably my favorite memory is of his small front fins, one on each side, that he used to motor around the water slowly. A frequent user of those small propellors, Fishasaurus was a wonderful spectacle and a great animal companion.

Fishasaurus, Feb. 2007

Fishasaurus, aka Mr. Fishersen, Feb. 2007, by Daniel J. McKeown and Jessica(A photo of Fishasaurus, who was a cool-looking fish with a big personality, from February 2007.)

FishasaurusFor a little while a very amazing beta (betta) fish named Fishasaurus, a Valentine’s Day gift from Jessica, was a spirited and fun companion for me. I feel so grateful and only wonder if I did something wrong, as he didn’t live very long–but I feel like he understands that I did everything I thought was right to care for him. I was actually more fortunate to have such a great fish rather than unfortunate about how short it was for.He and I were always hanging out whenever I was home. I think this photo was taken when I had him down near the computer with me while I videoed a movie.


Going to Cleveland


Jessica and I are moving to Cleveland.  It all sounds very exciting.  We’re going to visit this weekend again, and plan to move there in a few weeks.

We visited once before, last year, and decided to move there after that.

San Francisco is a great city but Jessica is excited about opportunities in Ohio and I’m looking forward to moving to the shores of Lake Erie, having grown up in the Midwest.