Unruly democracy might be returning to Pakistan

Pakistan’s dictator, Pervez Musharraf, is starting to lose his grip on power.
First it was that feisty supreme court that they have over there.  Lawyers and professionals from around Pakistan–a country with many educated, liberal people–fought to have their independent-minded chief justice reinstated after Musharraf fired him, and won.
Now everyone wants in on the party, and Nawaz Sharif, the prime minister Musharraf kicked out in 1999 in a coup, is flying back into the country. And Benazir Bhutto, a dynastic former premier, is returning to the political scene there as well–looking for a deal with the dictator as way back to power for herself.
Well, sure, these former leaders may be corrupt like the current president, but freedom is “untidy,” as Donald Rumsfeld once said.
Besides, this kind of disorderly democracy is lot better than Pakistan being run out of Cheney’s office.

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