Qwitr 0.2 – and a change in the project title

UPDATE: Qwittr has evolved and is now called Flightpath.


When I sent out an email to some family and friends to aunch Qwittr a little while ago, one of them wrote back to ask if it was really me that had written it, as I had called it “ad junk” in the subject line, and she also said it sounded kind of like web marketing these days.
Well then I guess that is some measure of success! Please try the Qwittr beta 0.2 yourself and decide what you think of the short messaging platform (be warned–it is rather crude and still near its infancy).
So I have discussed the philosophy of Qwittr enough already–but one thing that I have also mentioned is the need to make the program an open-source project public GPL plug-n-play download that anyone can use or modify. But I have a list of improvements that need to be made, ranging from relatively straightforward for me (streamlining and enhancing the basic PHP architecture) to the reasonably challenging (making the interface nicer with a new stylesheet or some Ajax enhancements) to downright hard (figuring out how to zip together an install file).
But as the farcical name and terminolgy of Qwittr: “What are you quitting now?” and “qweet,” have gone far enough and it will be time to release a user-friendly version, the working name (as Qwittr had been) for the project is being changed to MigratoryMessenger and the public release date is planned for some time in late 2008.

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