Tony Blair: "The boldest liar…also the best"

Premier’s speech charts the same reckless course on Iraq–how long can he hide from war crimes charges for illegal aggression in Iraq he helped to lead and still can’t assess honestly?

Tony Blair lives in a country bound by the International Criminal Court. It is hard to imagine, a year hence when dislodged from 10 Downing Street, that he will long be able to escape indictment for war crimes. In the meantime, he tries to make every last annual event a little more dramatic for being the last. This week the event was the annual foreign policy royal something-like-that speech, where Blair ditched the “red ties” that George W. Bush likes so much in favor of some absurd white bow tie, an English flag, and the same old bluster and lies on foreign policy. As Juan Cole explains on his blog:

“UK PM Tony Blair’s speech on Monday, which had been bruited as a change of course in foreign policy, struck me as just a ‘stay the course’ standard bromide. He blamed Iran for instability in Iraq, whereas most of that comes from the anti-Iranian Sunni Arabs. He blamed Iran for supporting Lebanon, even though he had done nothing to stop the brutal Israeli bombing of south Beirut. He just gave the standard Bush speech, which even Bush may not be giving long.”

Blair is one of the great political minds of this era, and his maneuvering is not to be easily dismissed as simply daft or foolish, as Bush often seemed. David Runciman, writing in the London Review of Books , shows why Tony Blair is such a success in the political climate in which he exists–or to put it less modestly, in the political climate that Tony Blair and Bill Clinton largely created:

“In politics, it is tempting to think that a lie is a lie is a lie, and since everyone is at it, all that matters is what you can get away with. But that is to do Tony Blair a disservice. He is not simply the boldest liar, he is also the best, in that he understands better than anyone the new rules of political fabrication. He comprehensively outmanoeuvred Gordon Brown in Manchester by being truer both to himself and to the spirit of contemporary politics in the way he stretched the truth. Blair was sincere in the lies he told. Brown, by contrast, came across as a straightforward hypocrite.”

[photo: AP via Yahoo]

U.S. auto industry still deep in rut

US car company CEOs ready to complain to president.

The decline of the American auto industry continues, as the Financial Times reports:

“The chief executives of the three US carmakers will tell President George W. Bush on Wednesday that US energy, healthcare and trade policies are blunting their competitive edge against fast-growing Asian rivals.

Mr Bush is to meet Rick Wagoner of General Motors, Alan Mulally of Ford and Tom LaSorda of Chrysler, a division of Germany’s DaimlerChrysler. The get-together, initially set for last spring, will be the president’s first with all three executives.”

Will Google lose their edge in search?

Sarah Milstein, co-author and editor of Google: The Missing Manual, says via

“‘I use a slew of Google tools every day, my life is richer for them, and I’m not looking to bash the company. But I do wonder where the next search innovations are going to come from, and I’m surprised to find that Google isn’t the obvious answer to that question anymore.'”

The Richmond district of San Francisco

The Richmond district of San Francisco [pictured: across the Bay on the left side of the Golden Gate Bridge; at the mouth of the Inner Richmond at the intersection of Geary and Masonic; and looking east on California street in Laurel Heights] comprises the area below the Presidio and above Golden Gate Park between the Pacific Ocean and roughly Geary Blvd.

The fog that San Francisco is famous for often comes in thick and can turn the evenings prematurely dark and cool, while the relatively wide streets, low buildings and gentle hills (aside from a few areas like the University of San Francisco campus and Seacliff) remain truly San Francisco in look and feel while welcoming skateboards and bikes.

Like all of San Francisco, the Richmond is a complex mixture of the special and the universal which is not as easy to unravel as it may as first seem. I have two short movies set in the neighborhood, each named for the part of the Richmond they are set in.
Journey Into the Outer Richmond” is set in the area past Park Presidio Boulevard, where the fog thickens along Geary all the way out to Ocean Beach. This area is a residential area like many others in San Francisco, but not many people get out that far into the city, so I went for universality. I cut together a few clips from daytime interviews with people bustling along during the day in the busy commercial strip between 16th and 25th Avenues and some clips of activity like people riding bikes and being pulled over.
Journey Into the Inner Richmond” is set on a Thursday night, where the week is nearing an end and a few people are telling stories and making deals in the area around 6th Avenue and Clement, while the homeless look on.

The night life in the area is a bit shadier than for most of San Francisco–plenty of local neighborhood dive bars, while the bars trying to compete with the rest of the city seem to cater mainly to college students and the Irish. As the guy in front of the pizza place says, “I don’t know what the f[..]k happened.”

That’s right, cry Republicans. Cry.

As Rick Santorum’s loss to Bob Casey was announced, Fox News commentator Fred Barnes sang one more round of praise on TV for the far-right nut–but the senator, who lost his seat from Pennsylvania to Bob Casey Jr., bravely held a press conference congratulating his opponent as he saw his presidential hopes go up in flames right alongside those of George “Macaca” Allen, a moronic racist who appears to have lost to Jim Webb for reelection to the senate seat in Virginia (state board of elections unofficial results here).
The Democrats now control the House ( article; BBC video report; Reuters video report), and the Senate (which needs 60 votes on many matters anyway) is almost evenly divided, one way or the other.
The 2006 elections are a great milestone for America, and even as the very close Senate race finishes it is clear that Nancy Pelosi will lead the House of Representatives as the new Speaker–and let’s not listen to the Republican spin about the Democratic victory, any more than we listened to George W. Bush about who to vote for this November.
Democrats used moderate rhetoric this election for the same reason that Republicans tried it in 2000–to get those wily “moderate” or “independent” voters on board. But that doesn’t mean Nancy Pelosi shouldn’t be any less liberal than in her previous positions, after all they got her where she is and she owes it to this district in northern San Francisco to use her power to implement a strong liberal agenda, starting with a minimum wage increase and an end to illegal spying on American citizens. A tougher line on China’s human rights abuses would be a good move, and adding John Murtha to the leadership could show determination to redeploy from Iraq.
Bush is in the political crosshairs–he needs to completely change course. But even if he does, his warrantless wiretapping and deceptions about WMD deserve impeachment and removal from office, and now the country has nudged that possibility just a bit closer.

The wolves are at the door, and they are not moderates.
That’s right, cry Republicans. Cry.
[photo: AP]

British Petroleum: human life worth $20 million

The Financial Times reports:
“BP was not only willing to put a value on human life, something its predecessor Amoco refused to do – it listed it at $20m (£10.5m) for a single fatality incident, with the cost escalating for multiple deaths in the same accident, the Financial Times has learned.The details, revealed in sworn testimony, come as the first civil trial begins this week arising from the fatal explosion at BP’s Texas City refinery in 2005.”