News from Afghanistan–that little-noticed disaster

An AP article (via reports some, well, pretty messed stuff about the shooting death of former NFL star in the Afghan backcountry.  It turns out fragging may be the cause:

‘Army medical examiners were suspicious about the close proximity of the three bullet holes in Pat Tillman’s forehead and tried without success to get authorities to investigate whether the former NFL player’s death amounted to a crime, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.

“The medical evidence did not match up with the, with the scenario as described,” a doctor who examined Tillman’s body after he was killed on the battlefield in Afghanistan in 2004 told investigators.

The doctors – whose names were blacked out – said that the bullet holes were so close together that it appeared the Army Ranger was cut down by an M-16 fired from a mere 10 yards or so away.’

It appears that they’re fighting themselves over there so they don’t have to fight each other over here.

The Taliban were nowhere to be found.  No enemy bullets were found anywhere near.

Iraq and Afganistan are both going terribly, and have been for a while.  Time to withdraw from both and leave all this pointless killing behind.

Takin' it easy on here on the pelican pages

Very busy looking for work. Thanks to my girlfriend and family I have been able to weather a spell of unemployment and learn a lot of new skills. For now, other matters are taking my attention away from content creation–I have enjoyed experimenting with the emerging field of online video but I need to upgrade my production infrastructure before more podcasts or other material can be finalized here in my shop.
There will be a hiatus period during which I will not be posting too much in the way of new content or new public beta apps here on Please enjoy the archives, which can be searched easily through the third search box on the search page at
I’ll likely get to posting a lot more content here later on. Thanks and let me know what’s happening or send in content submissions at tips at

Wordcamp live music apparently not licensed under GPL

It seems that WordCamp 2007, an open source software gathering, is no refuge from intellectual property thuggery. Watch this movie as Andy Skelton fairly exudes greed as he lunges to claim and monetize other people’s recordings after what was billed on the schedule as a mere “musical interlude.” Actually, I would have included the actual song in the movie too without a second thought–but it sucked.

The behavior on display is strangely grandiose in this case (e.g. the joke about whether it’s a “trillion-dollar song” or the belief that people want to feature bad acoustic frat music on their blog), but I’m afraid that it nonetheless could have a real chilling effect on the free exchange of ideas and information about such events.

The key quote from Andy Skelton from the movie:

“I just want a piece of..of your pie!”

To which I say–never!

WordCamp 2007 – day 2 – Dave Winer

Dave Winer gave a very astute overview of some interesting questions facing WordPress and the overall open source community.  Here are my notes from the session:

Dave Winer: “A blog is one person’s voice.”

“Some people say, if it doesn’t have comments it’s not a blog.  That’s not true.”
2 forms of blogging
–rss title link description metadata(categories) – each blog post is an essay unto itself
–linkblogging/human aggregation(??)/microblogging (not different from linkblogging??)

“I wanted to fit in with the Netvibes/Pageflakes..” wih his RSS feed for his blog.

“I love Twitter”

“Future-safe archives”

what about that Feedburner article (note)
open source ID sysem

“open source Twitter” — “look at the Twitter API–how can that be replicated?”

“I don’t understand Facebook…I have to accept it that people like it…don’t like that it’s a walled garden”