‘Tony Blair’s lack of leadership and timid subservience’

Tony Blair, for all his high sanctinomy and pious posturing, is a lousy right-wing war-monger and now Jimmy Carter is calling him out on it. From the Sunday Telegraph:
‘Tony Blair’s lack of leadership and timid subservience to George W Bush lie behind the ongoing crisis in Iraq and the worldwide threat of terrorism, according to the former American president Jimmy Carter.
“I have been surprised and extremely disappointed by Tony Blair’s behaviour,” he told The Sunday Telegraph.
Asked why he thinks Mr Blair has behaved in the way that he has with President Bush’s belligerent regime, Mr Carter said he could only put it down to timidity. Yet he confessed that he remains baffled by the apparent contrast between Mr Blair’s private remarks and his public utterances.
“I really believe the reports of former leaders who were present in conversations between Blair and Bush that Blair has expressed private opinions contrary to some of the public policies that he has adopted in subservience.”‘

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