How many more disasters will Bush try to exploit?

As George W. Bush toured New Orleans, he must have felt much the way he did at the Republican convention in 2004–like a vulture arriving on the scene of a disaster. On a day that Donald Rumsfeld barks up more nonsense about “fascists” and dares to say to others that “it is apparent that many have still not learned history’s lessons,” Bush tours the city where “I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees.” Mediocore piano player Condi Rice said something similar and also false about airplanes and tall buildings.
Rumsfeld’s typically inept misuse of history would be merely laughable if he had been fired already, but as it is he is still in the Pentagon. He has a stake in pushing his distortions–for he must know that history will record, among other things, that Rumsfeld lost a war in Iraq.
[photo: AP via Yahoo]

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