Does the New Republic still expect history to vindicate Joe Lieberman? As the Connecticut Senator heads into a primary next Tuesday against Ned Lamont, I’m wondering how loyal Lieberman’s flacks in the press will remain if he loses. This tirade comes from a 2004 article (“Our Choice“) endorsing Lieberman for the Democratic nomination for president:
“Only Lieberman–the supposed candidate of appeasement–is challenging his party, enduring boos at event after event, to articulate a different, better vision of what it means to be a Democrat. Three years ago, that vision seemed ascendant. Today, it is once again at the margins. It may take years, or even decades, for Democrats to relearn the lessons we thought, naïvely, they had learned for good under Clinton. But one day, Joe Lieberman’s warnings in this campaign will look prophetic. And the principles he has espoused will once again guide the Democratic Party. It will be the work of this magazine, to whatever small degree possible, to hasten that day.”
[photo: AP]