UPDATE: A newer version of pacificpelican.us/cms is available for download.
UPDATE: A newer version of pacificpelican.us/cms is available for download.
As I’m working on a new version, I think I have chronicled the main issues with the current iteration of pacificpelican.us/cms. Here’s a list:
(Don’t forget to check the releases category and the Github page for the last version as some of these issues should be solved in an upcoming version.)
known issues for pacificpelican.us/cms version
-in some views a nested main content div with unique ID should be added for styling purposes
-some sort of +1 problem with the URL shortener: the first URL shortened (http://example.com/?r=0) does not work; after the first one however the URL redirecting works fine
-also (in relation to the previous issue) the link list returns an error when there are no shortened URLs
-canonical URLs should (maybe) find and remove any “www.” from themselves
-the link list just lists all the links no matter how many; it can use the “count” parameter (hidden feature) but the count starts at the oldest URL and thus does not list the latest if there is a large number
-the file list offers a UI to set the “count” parameter, and this works somewhat, but the order of the files listed is somewhat unpredictable
-in PHP 4.4 [which is deprecated and is not advisable to use anyway] the URL shortener takes in data, and the link list works as expected, but the URL redirecting function fails and the browser just lands on a messed up version of the app page instead of the destination URL
Send your bug reports to pacificpelicancms -at– lovebirdsconsulting.com
Though it is still in an early form, I am ready to open source my URL shortening and file management script (called pacificpelican.us/cms).
Version is the current version I am running on my URL shortener r.sf3am.com.
UPDATE: A newer version of pacificpelican.us/cms is available for download.
Download pacificpelican.us/cms version (in ZIP archive format)
(You can check for updates at the pacificpelican.us cms development blog.)
It has these features:
-a simple URL shortener
-a page that lists previous shortened URLs
-a simple file upload script
-a page that lists previously uploaded files, which links to
-a perma-link page for each uploaded file (with a canonical URL)
These are some reasons why you might want to put up your own install of pacificpelican.us/cms on your own shared or dedicated web hosting:
-setup is minimal and explained in the readme.txt
-runs on any web server that enables PHP (no SQL database needed)
-URL shortener data is stored in simple text file
-photo library will automatically add photos that are added through methods other than the built-in URL form (e.g. allows for numerous simultaneous uploads via FTP)
-file manager feature detects whether a file is a supported image formate (like jpg) or a different file and shows different views appropriate for each (an embed for a photo, a link for a different file)
-perma-link pages are given meaningful titles based on URL base, type of page and photo name
-photos are listed on their perma-link pages with their file name but with any “-“, “_”, and “.jpg” character strings made into blank spaces, ensuring greater readability under some naming conventions
-You can add your own style.css to the directory you install pacificpelican.us/cms in, and the markup has a bunch of classes and ids that you can use to style
The 0.0.9.x series of pacificpelican.us/cms is in memory of my pet parakeets Striker and Ava
Possible future releases may add:
-a blogging engine of some sort
-RSS feeds
-URL shortener stat tracking
-whatever idea you may want to submit, provided you are willing to comply with the terms of the project’s license (the GNU GPL, version 2 or later)
-send those ideas to pacificpelicancms -at– lovebirdsconsulting.com
On the topic of other projects, check out my band at blogs.sf3am.com/neener.
[cross-posted to djm blog]
pacificpelican.us/cms is a content management system written in PHP from LoveBirdsConsulting.com, a web design partnership.
As of January 2011, it is used internally on pacificpelican.us sites.
The version 0.0.9 series of pacificpelican.us/cms is in memory of Striker and Ava the parakeets.